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Tyler wanted to create a piece that represented how she felt in a corporate 9-5 as a creative individual. She felt suffocated, unfulfilled & miserable. As positive as Tyler tried to be, she couldn’t fake being happy anymore. 


Isolation struck & things got really dark towards the end. Her relationships suffered and her mental health was about as bad as it could get. The artist was also recovering from surgery in the midst of all of this. 


The sideways hourglass symbolizes the imbalance in her life while working full time & dedicating countless hours to an art business. The skeleton hand represents the death of her dreams if she kept accepting what life threw at her. The pocket watch represents working around the clock & feeling like the artist was running out of time. Tyler struggled with insomnia and she was always in a constant state of panic/worry. The flames represent the burning passion she has for art and the struggle she has overcame to get back to herself. 


The ship represents the downward spiral of her mental health. All of her good qualities were suffocating beneath everything bad that she was feeling. The cracked glass represents the pressure of expectation. You can only put something under pressure for so long before it breaks. 


The little doodles are things that she cut out before she threw away her work notebook. Not all things that come to an end are a bad thing. The artist used to fear quitting. Society makes us view it as failure. Tyler’s biggest fear was worrying about what everyone else thought. She fell short of the expectations of others. The truth is that she always will because it’s not their life. 


The artist took a step out in blind faith. Your life is a canvas & you are the artist. Following your dreams takes sacrifice, but it’s better to live with that than the pain of regret. 


Over 30 hours of heart & soul were put into this one of a kind original painting.


A clear satin semi-gloss finish was used to protect this piece.


This original painting comes with a signed certificate of authenticity by the artist

“Buying Time” Original 16x20 Acrylic Painting on Canvas

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